Project support during a Jackup Drilling rig reactivation project

ModuResources provided project, mechanical and electrical personnel to write reactivation procedures, document and supervise the reactivation scope of work, showing clear traceability of the work performed.

Client Challenge:

Our client, an international drilling contractor, purchased a large number of new and existing premium jackup rigs. However, they only had a limited number of project personnel available.

The drilling contractor's Project Manager was familiar with ModuResources drilling rig reactivation support services and asked for assistance to source an assistant project manager, mechanical and electrical personnel familiar with writing reactivation procedures, documenting and supervising the reactivation scope of work, showing clear traceability of the work done.


ModuResources provided technical support as required within the remit defined by the client, resulting in the following;

  • Writing of reactivation procedures. 
  • Cost control and vendor coordination.
  • Providing Subject Matter Experts for well control equipment and systems & controls.
  • Coordinating the reactivation scope of work and document control.


The rig was successfully reactivated without any major delays or concerns raised by the operator.

Why ModuResources?

Management and project personnel employed by ModuResources have a long and well documented track record in successful project management for either the rig owner as well as shipyards to comply with international and major operator standards set by the likes of Shell, Chevron, ExxonMobil, Woodside, BP, Petronas, etc.

The client Project Manager was familiar with previous projects conducted by ModuResources and the track record of management and the personnel selected for this job.

ModuResources is known as a truly independent 3rd party inspection company, with a solid track record providing credibility to the documented traceability of the rig reactivation project.